
Tutte le pubblicazioni

Edward’s Brief | Crypto Transparency – Blessing or Curse?
Did you know that crypto transactions are surprisingly transparent? This could pose a challenge. Edward Eremeev from B2BINPAY examines the tension between crypto's openness, anti-money laundering regulations, and privacy concerns. What discomfort might future crypto regulations bring to your personal data security?
Navigating the Bitcoin Derivatives Space
B2BROKER’s Chief Dealing Officer, John Murillo, was part of the highly anticipated summit BTC Amsterdam and delivered an interesting presentation about the Bitcoin derivatives space. The speech was attended by industry key players and like-minded crypto enthusiasts who believed in the future of crypto derivatives. John highlighted the difference between derivative and spot trading, emphasising the wide choices for trading crypto contracts like short selling and using leverage compared to the limited choices with spot trading. The presentation was completed with the perfect roadmap for newly emerging businesses in the crypto space.
B2CORE Android v1.8.0 Update. Enhanced Security & User Experience
Aggiornamenti del prodotto
Aggiornamento B2CORE Android v1.8.0. Sicurezza e user experience migliorata
Il nostro prodotto di punta, B2CORE, una piattaforma di back-office nota per la sua tecnologia innovativa e l'interfaccia user-friendly, ha ulteriormente migliorato la sua posizione nel settore fintech con l'ultimo aggiornamento dell'applicazione Android.
Eventi B2BROKER Group parteciperà a IFX EXPO Cyprus 2023 24.07.2023
Eventi B2BROKER Group si prepara per Finance Magnates London Summit 2023 24.07.2023
Aggiornamenti del prodotto B2BROKER collabora con Ledger per pubblicare wallet hardware B2BINPAY esclusivi 19.07.2023
Benefits of WL Forex Software for Brokers in 2023. Articoli Vantaggi di un software forex WL per broker nel 2023 17.07.2023
Eventi Il B2BROKER Group ha portato soluzioni innovative al Crypto Week Madrid Summit 13.07.2023 Aggiornamenti del prodotto App iOS di B2CORE riceve un grande aggiornamento 13.07.2023
Eventi B2BROKER & B2BINPAY hanno partecipato a iFX Expo Asia 2023 — Rapporto dell'evento 12.07.2023 Eventi B2BROKER Group Presented Solutions at Money20/20 Europe 2023 — Event Report 12.07.2023
Eventi Il B2BROKER Group ha partecipato a Seamless Asia 2023 — Rapporto dell'evento 12.07.2023
Cross Margin vs Isolated Margin:
What’s the Difference? Articoli Margine incrociato vs margine isolato: qual è la differenza? 11.07.2023
Bitcoin Fork: When Is It Going To Be? Articoli Fork di Bitcoin: quando si verificherà? 03.07.2023
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