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Software Development: In-House vs Outsourcing vs White Label | Crypto Expo Dubai 2022
B2BROKER CPO Ivan Navodnyy discusses software development and the pros and cons of different models.
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What are Stablecoins used for | iFX Expo Dubai 2022
Arthur Azizov, CEO of B2BROKER, talks about Stablecoins, which represent over 150 Billion dollars in market cap and the best uses for table coins like Teether ($USDT), USD Coin ($USDC), Binance USD (BUSD) and more at the IFX Expo Dubai 2022.
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How to Start your Crypto and FX Business | Dubai Forex Traders Summit 2022
انضم إلى عمر العلي الخبير بشركة B2BROKER التي تعد أحد أكبر مزوّدي السيولة متعددة الأصول وتكنولوجيا الوايت ليبل للوسطاء والبورصات، في قمة تجار الفوركس في دبي 2022. إن كنت تريد معرفة المزيد عن خدمات B2BROKER قم بزيارة موقعنا الإلكتروني
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Major Changes in Payments for the Forex Industry | Forex Summit Dubai
Mina Louka Director Eqwire, B2BINPAY UK, B2B Payments Solution UK Ltd. talks about the services and the Major Changes in Payments for the Forex (FX) Industry at the Forex Traders Dubai Summit 2022.
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Децентрализованные финансы | Tech Week 2021
На выставке Tech Week 2021 в Сколково выступил директор по стратегии B2BROKER. Алексей Цепаев раскрыл актуальную сейчас тему «Децентрализованные финансы». Он рассказал о трех основных видах DeFi и дал определение терминам, которые чаще всего используются в контексте децентрализованных финансов.
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Безопасность в финансовых технологиях | Tech Week 2021
Презентация раскрывает с разных сторон актуальную на сегодня тему “Безопасность в финансовых технологиях”. Узнайте о самых распространенных сейчас случаях киберугроз и как можно защитить свой бизнес от различных видов мошенничества.
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FMLS 2021: B2BROKER CEO Arthur Azizov Keynote Speech | FMLS 2021
B2BROKER CEO Arthur Azizov’s recent keynote speech at FMLS21 spans across a wide range of topics starting with an overview of the expanding range of instruments now available for trading such as CFDs and perpetual futures. Arthur follows on with a discussion on Stablecoins and new blockchains that he is deeply knowledgeable about.
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Основные тренды рынка цифровых финансовых активов | Tech Week 2021
Хотите узнать о современных трендах на финансовых рынках? Смотрите запись выступления COO B2BROKER Евгении Микуляк на выставке Tech Week 2021!
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B2BROKER COO Evgeniya Mykulyak Keynote Speech | Crypto Expo Dubai 2021
Watch B2BROKER COO Evgeniya Mykulyak deliver her recent Crypto Expo Dubai 2021 keynote speech and learn everything you need to know about Ecosystems! In this revealing video, Evgeniya shares her knowledge on Ecosystems, what they are and how they connect a range of services inside one infrastructure.
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CEO Arthur Azizov Keynote Speech | Crypto Expo Dubai 2021
In his recent Crypto Expo Dubai keynote speech, CEO Arthur Azizov covers a range of topics relating to questions frequently asked by prospective clients. Arthur discusses whether it is better to launch a centralised or decentralised exchange, then goes on to talk about different types of liquidity including Spot, Spot Margin, Organic Liquidity, Market Makers Services, B2CONNECT Liquidity Hub & Ad-Hoc Connection.
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Узнать больше о технологиях и финансах
Challenges of In-House Software Development | B2BROKER at FMLS 2023
Check out the speech of our CEO and Founder, Arthur Azizov, as he concluded B2BROKER’s participation in the prestigious FMLS with valuable nuggets about software development challenges. Arthur started his speech by showcasing the changes in the software landscape, from having full-stack developers to dedicated front-end and back-end developers, as a response to the vast updates in the industry. Arthur discussed 8 challenges software development companies face today, including product design, testing, cloud infrastructure, team synchronisation practices, and many more you can find by watching this 30-minute speech.
B2BROKER CEO Arthur Azizov iFX Expo Dubai 2021: Interview with Finance Feeds
In this insightful video, B2BROKER CEO Arthur Azizov, talks with Finance Feeds’ Nikolai Isayev about B2BROKER and the current state of play in the Forex and crypto world. Arthur provides a rundown of the company's products and services honing in on B2Margin, B2TRADER, B2BX and the newly-released v2.0 of B2BINPAY, the company’s crypto processing solution.
Automate, Analyse, Achieve: Trading Technology Today
In this video, captured at iFX Expo Dubai 2021, Arthur was invited to take part in the Automate, Analyse, Achieve: Trading Technology Today panel. Five other key panel members from the industry joined Arthur to discuss the cutting edge of technological developments in the industry and how from risk management to acquisition, a data-driven approach can bolster revenues and reduce costs.
B2BROKER CEO Arthur Azizov Answers Clients’ FAQs
A series of questions in Q&A format received from current and potential clients posed by the B2BROKER team to CEO Arthur Azizov with expert advice from the top for those looking to start a brokerage business.
Still Processing: The Future of Payments for Brokers and Beyond
This video sees CEO Arthur Azizov take his seat on the Still Processing: The Future of Payments for Brokers and Beyond panel on behalf of B2BINPAY, the company’s crypto processing solution. In this session, Arthur joins in a discussion on how with soaring number of new investors entering the market and trading volumes shooting up, a robust and secure payments system is more crucial than ever.
B2BROKER Industry — Leading Technology: Top Solutions at your Fingertips
In this video, B2BROKER BDM Teamlead, Alex Kukhtikov, talks about cryptocurrency exchange technology, one of the company’s main products using B2BX as a showcase. Alex explains that when it comes to setting up your own operations, you can either choose to do it yourself, or opt for a white label solution as a much faster and more cost-effective solution.
Challenges of In-House Software Development | B2BROKER at FMLS 2023
Check out the speech of our CEO and Founder, Arthur Azizov, as he concluded B2BROKER’s participation in the prestigious FMLS with valuable nuggets about software development challenges. Arthur started his speech by showcasing the changes in the software landscape, from having full-stack developers to dedicated front-end and back-end developers, as a response to the vast updates in the industry. Arthur discussed 8 challenges software development companies face today, including product design, testing, cloud infrastructure, team synchronisation practices, and many more you can find by watching this 30-minute speech.
B2BROKER CEO Arthur Azizov iFX Expo Dubai 2021: Interview with Finance Feeds
In this insightful video, B2BROKER CEO Arthur Azizov, talks with Finance Feeds’ Nikolai Isayev about B2BROKER and the current state of play in the Forex and crypto world. Arthur provides a rundown of the company's products and services honing in on B2Margin, B2TRADER, B2BX and the newly-released v2.0 of B2BINPAY, the company’s crypto processing solution.
Automate, Analyse, Achieve: Trading Technology Today
In this video, captured at iFX Expo Dubai 2021, Arthur was invited to take part in the Automate, Analyse, Achieve: Trading Technology Today panel. Five other key panel members from the industry joined Arthur to discuss the cutting edge of technological developments in the industry and how from risk management to acquisition, a data-driven approach can bolster revenues and reduce costs.
B2BROKER CEO Arthur Azizov Answers Clients’ FAQs
A series of questions in Q&A format received from current and potential clients posed by the B2BROKER team to CEO Arthur Azizov with expert advice from the top for those looking to start a brokerage business.
Still Processing: The Future of Payments for Brokers and Beyond
This video sees CEO Arthur Azizov take his seat on the Still Processing: The Future of Payments for Brokers and Beyond panel on behalf of B2BINPAY, the company’s crypto processing solution. In this session, Arthur joins in a discussion on how with soaring number of new investors entering the market and trading volumes shooting up, a robust and secure payments system is more crucial than ever.
B2BROKER Industry — Leading Technology: Top Solutions at your Fingertips
In this video, B2BROKER BDM Teamlead, Alex Kukhtikov, talks about cryptocurrency exchange technology, one of the company’s main products using B2BX as a showcase. Alex explains that when it comes to setting up your own operations, you can either choose to do it yourself, or opt for a white label solution as a much faster and more cost-effective solution.