

Evaluating Brokerage Risks
In this Q&A session, B2Broker's CEO and CDO explore the dangers of brokers working with just one counterparty. They discuss the potential risks of relying solely on a single liquidity provider and the broader implications for a brokerage's stability. Learn about the importance of diversifying liquidity sources, prioritising clients' best interests, and the advantages of partnering with a regulated, reliable Prime of Prime.
Kuldeep Mahindrakar Talks Crypto’s Role in Financial Evolution | B2Broker Mumbai Panel
B2Broker's BDM, Kuldeep Mahindrakar, shared his expertise during a panel discussion in Mumbai. Kuldeep explored the functionalities of B2BinPay and provided valuable insights on how cryptocurrencies are revolutionising cross-border transactions and overcoming traditional banking challenges. Are we witnessing a shift in global finance?
活動 在 2022 年迪拜加密貨幣展覽會上的成功:B2Broker 獲得 2 個獎項 B2Broker 28.03.2022
文章 創建比特幣交易所需要多少錢? 23.03.2022
文章 如何在 2022 年逐步開展外匯經紀 18.03.2022
產品更新 B2BinPay 更新:滿足新的主​​要功能 18.03.2022
文章 誰監管外匯市場? - 主要司法管轄區回顧 16.03.2022
活動 B2BinPay 和 Eqwire 在 PAY360 07.03.2022
文章 流動性供應:它是如何運作的? 03.03.2022
https://media.b2broker.com/app/uploads/2022/03/frame-60010-1.png 活動 B2Broker 參加迪拜外匯交易商峰會和 iFX 博覽會 01.03.2022
文章 加密交易所軟件:它是如何工作的? 28.02.2022
文章 如何接受加密支付作為一項業務? 17.02.2022
活動 B2Broker 很高興作為鑽石贊助商參加 2022 年塞浦路斯 iFX 博覽會 16.02.2022
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