

B2BINPAY v17 & v18 Updates: Manage Your Crypto Payments with Ease
The last few months were fruitful for B2BINPAY, where we introduced major product updates, taking customer experience to the next level. B2BINPAY v17 and v18 focus on transparency and making user operations more straightforward in creating accounts, managing transactions and issuing invoices. The unified account merging enterprise and merchant accounts enables businesses to make settlements in BTC, USDT, USDC, USD, EURO, TUSD and EURC, with expanded token support across 14 blockchains. This is only the beginning as we strive to create tools and solutions that enable our clients to thrive and scale their businesses.
Highlights from B2Broker’s Exciting Adventure at FMLS 2023
Our time in the Finance Magnates London Summit 2023 has come to an end after three fruitful days of networking with industry experts and expanding our services to more markets and industries. FMLS was a critical stage for B2BROKER to meet likely-minded entrepreneurs and trading partners under one roof and embark on potential partnerships and opportunities.
Top 15 Crypto Payment Gateways in 2023
2023 年排名前 15 位的加密貨幣支付網關
產品更新 B2CORE iOS 應用程序引入交易終端集成和內部轉賬 06.02.2023
文章 %title% 03.02.2023
活動 B2BROKER 和 B2BINPAY 將參加 2023 年區塊鏈經濟迪拜峰會 03.02.2023
活動 B2BINPAY 和 B2BROKER 將參加 2023 年迪拜加密貨幣博覽會 02.02.2023
What is Leverage? 文章 什麼是交易槓桿? 02.02.2023
文章 什麼是限價單? - 定義 01.02.2023
產品更新 B2BROKER 通過與 Match Trader 集成擴展其白標流動性產品 01.02.2023
https://media.b2broker.com/app/uploads/2023/01/iFX-Dubai-January-2023.png 活動 B2BROKER 和 B2BINPAY 為 2023 年迪拜 iFX 博覽會帶來創新解決方案——並獲得動力! 27.01.2023
文章 剝頭皮與日內交易 27.01.2023
文章 使您的生活更簡單的 10 大加密貨幣分析工具 26.01.2023
What is Staking and How Does it Work? 文章 什麼是 權益質押,它是如何運作的? 24.01.2023
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