

Where’s The Alpha? Technology and Products in Retail Trading | B2BROKER at FMLS 2023
Our Chief Dealing Officer, John Murillo, alongside industry leaders, took on a hot topic discussion about technology in retail trading during the Finance Magnates London Summit 2023. The highly attended panel talk shared valuable insights about the role of Artificial Intelligence in improving brokerage services. John discussed utilising AI capabilities to provide a streamlined service and user experience, enhancing customer experience in the long term. The panel focused on AI implementation in trading platforms and the ethical implications and best practices that bring profitability for traders and investors alike.
Challenges of In-House Software Development | B2BROKER at FMLS 2023
Check out the speech of our CEO and Founder, Arthur Azizov, as he concluded B2BROKER’s participation in the prestigious FMLS with valuable nuggets about software development challenges. Arthur started his speech by showcasing the changes in the software landscape, from having full-stack developers to dedicated front-end and back-end developers, as a response to the vast updates in the industry. Arthur discussed 8 challenges software development companies face today, including product design, testing, cloud infrastructure, team synchronisation practices, and many more you can find by watching this 30-minute speech.
開啟金融的未來:2022 年金融巨頭倫敦峰會上的 B2BROKER 和 B2BINPAY
今年,B2BROKER 團隊參加了 Finance Magnates 倫敦峰會,這是經紀商、投資者和許多其他金融機構日曆上最重要的活動之一。峰會聚集了眾多行業專家,共同探討時事金融趨勢。
活動 B2BROKER 和 B2BINPAY 在香港維基金融展覽會上大放異彩 20.01.2023
文章 加密冬天意味著什麼以及何時結束 19.01.2023
活動 B2BROKER 和 B2BINPAY 準備參加 2023 年歐盟區塊鏈公約 16.01.2023
活動 B2BROKER 將在巴林金融科技和加密貨幣峰會上展示解決方案 11.01.2023
How To Start a Crypto Business? 文章 如何開展加密業務? 11.01.2023
How to Find Forex Liquidity Provider in 2023? 文章 如何在 2023 年找到外匯流動性提供商 06.01.2023
文章 贏家和輸家——2022 年的項目 02.01.2023
https://media.b2broker.com/app/uploads/2022/11/Frame-60018-1-Edited-1.png 文章 如何在 2023 年創建加密貨幣交易所 30.12.2022
活動 B2BROKER 將參加 ICE London 29.12.2022
How To Start White Label Broker? 文章 如何在 2023 年啟動白標經紀商? 28.12.2022
B2BROKER and B2BINPAY to Showcase at the iFX Expo Dubai 2023 活動 B2BROKER and B2BINPAY to Showcase at the iFX Expo Dubai 2023 27.12.2022
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