

B2Broker at Money20/20 Europe: Unlocking the Power of Financial Innovation
B2Broker attended Money20/20 in Amsterdam, presenting an exclusive product and service line. Discover why our solutions stand out from the competition and learn about our groundbreaking liquidity and technology ready-to-implement solutions for financial services institutions, state-of-the-art crypto payment processing solutions, and more. Get ready to unlock the full power of financial innovation with B2Broker!
Seamless Asia 2023 | Components you Need to Run an Online Broker
In his keynote speech, Ivan Navodnyy, Chief Product Officer of B2Broker Group, dives deep into the technology and components that brokerages need to run a successful multi-asset business. Ivan discusses how single-asset and multi-asset brokerages differ, as well as what brokers need to know about trading platforms, CRM, payment and KYC/AML systems, liquidity, and website development. He also explores the importance of liquidity aggregation and distribution for brokerages and talks about the various income scenarios that brokers can access by building an ecosystem approach.
2020 年外匯市場的總價值達到 2.5 萬億美元;這就是該行業不斷吸引新參與者的原因。根據 FINRA 的統計,外匯經紀商的數量超過 3500 家,而且數量還在持續飆升。這種趨勢迫使新人在“為交易者而戰”的同時面臨基本挑戰。
產品更新 B2Trader管理办法发布:增强了性能并且增加了新的佣金功能 24.08.2021
企業新聞 B2Broker 公司新聞 | 16-08.2021 16.08.2021
企業新聞 B2Broker 公司新聞 | 9-08.2021 09.08.2021
企業新聞 B2Broker 公司新闻 | 2.08.2021 02.08.2021
企業新聞 開發加密數字貨幣交易所的最佳方式 28.07.2021
活動 B2Broker 將在 2021 年迪拜加密博覽會上展示最新產品和服務 21.07.2021
活動 B2Broker 將參加莫斯科的技術週:Skolkovo 區塊鏈日 21.07.2021
https://media.b2broker.com/app/uploads/2021/07/Cyprus-3.png 活動 2021 年塞浦路斯 iFX 博覽會 - B2Broker 作為鑽石贊助商參加 21.07.2021
文章 如何開始白標外匯經紀業務? - 分步指南 21.07.2021
活動 B2Broker 在 2021 年 FM 倫敦峰會上獲得最佳位置 21.07.2021
產品更新 B2Core 更新 - 最新的功能和改進 20.07.2021
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