Complaints policy
We are committed to providing a high standard of service to all our customers on every occasion. We do recognize however, that occasionally there may be circumstances where you are dissatisfied with the service you may have received.
How to file a complaint
A. Where should I send my complaint
If you have a complaint about any aspect of our service, then we would like to hear from you. You can contact us by e-mail [email protected].
Please send your message from the e-mail which was used by you for registration of your Trading Room. If you send message from another e-mail we reserve the right not to provide you any advice in case if such our action, on our opinion, will lead to disclosure of client’s confidential information.
B. Required documentation
To help us investigate and resolve the complaint as quickly as possible, please make sure you provide the following information:
- Your name and e-mail which was used during registration of your Trading Room;
- A clear description of your concern or complaint;
- Details of what you would like us to do to put it right;
- Copies of any relevant correspondence, such as e-mails.
C. Details on settling your complaint
We will try to resolve your complaint as quickly as possible and with minimum inconvenience to you. However, you irrevocably agree with the following:
- You have to complain as soon as possible, but not later than within one day after the grievance has arisen. If you delay, it can lead to a situation when the time necessary for resolve has passed. In such a case, we are not responsible for the inability to satisfy your request;
- We will reply on the complaint during 2 weeks. For avoidance of doubt, we have a right to ignore any complaints or messages from the customers who behave incorrectly, impolite, engaged in trolling, or repeatedly apply to us with the same question, etc;
- You are liable for all charges/costs/expenses/fees incurred by us regarding your requests, claims or complaints if such requests could not be comprehensively satisfied without involving of third parties. We will inform you in advance if such involvement of third parties is needed;
- We keep records of all your messages for compliance and training purposes.