

ما هي الوساطة المالية متعددة الأصول وكيف تختلف عن حلول الوساطة المالية الاعتيادية؟
الوساطة المالية المتعددة الأصول هي أحدث تقنية في مجال السيولة المالية لوسطاء التداول والاستثمار التي تمكنك من تقديم سيولة مالية لجميع المتداولين الخاصين بك، حيث يمكنك تنويع مصادر السيولة وتقديم خدمات تداول وحلول سريعة ومميزة. تعرف معنا على سيولة Prime of Prime التي تقدمها B2BROKER وما الذي يميزها عن وسطاء التداول الاعتياديين وكيف يمكنك الاستفادة منها لتطوير شركتك وخدمات التداول الخاصة بك.
Cómo Dominar La Estrategia de FX Perfecta: Recomendaciones y Consejos Prácticos
El mercado Forex, al ser el más líquido y popular entre una gran cantidad de traders, requiere un análisis cuidadoso y un enfoque competente, que implica el desarrollo y aplicación de la estrategia de trading correcta, lo que ayuda a comprender claramente las tendencias del mercado y las leyes de fijación de precios para diferentes activos. Además, una estrategia FX perfecta, ayuda a evitar errores serios que resultan en graves pérdidas de capital. El siguiente es un video informativo para conocer más sobre los matices y características importantes del desarrollo de una estrategia en Forex adecuada que lo ayudará a lograr los resultados deseados en trading.
Trading, Liquidity and More at The Massive Money Expo Mexico 2024
Our team is en route to the largest event for leading trading and investment firms in the world: Money Expo Mexico 2024! This is a significant destination for individuals, entrepreneurs and corporations in the money industry, discussing the latest updates in liquidity and finance. We can’t wait to welcome you to our booth #21. Visit us if you are in Mexico on February 7-8, and tune in for more updates from our team.
B2BROKER at iFX Dubai: Navigating The Liquidity Landscape In 2023 & 2024
It was an insightful session at the globally renowned iFX Dubai Expo as John Murillo, our Chief Dealing Officer, shared the floor with trading and liquidity pioneers and discussed the latest trends in liquidity and trading platforms. John talked about the importance of adaptability and flexibility for liquidity providers to improve their processes and ensure users’ well-being. The industrial leaders shared critical opinions about how liquidity changed in 2023 and the expectations in 2024.
B2BROKER at Dubai iFX 2024: Reinventing Technology Into Brokerage and Trading Systems
We start the year with a massive participation at the Dubai iFX 2024, a critical global stage for FinTech and development companies. Our CEO, Arthur Azizov, participated in an exciting panel discussion about the technological developments in the trading landscape. Arthur spoke about some advanced use cases of AI, especially for traders and brokers. Some of these AI applications are not being implemented yet by companies. What are they? Watch the video to learn more.
B2BROKER at the iFX Expo Dubai 2024: Let’s Shape The Future Together
We are starting the new year with a thrilling participation at the prestigious iFX Expo Dubai 2024 in the Dubai World Trade Centre. This event is a critical stage for investing and trading software companies and industry experts, as it discusses the latest trends and best practices when it comes to implementing technology and innovations. B2BROKER is attending as a Diamond sponsor, and we can’t wait to welcome you all to our booth. Mark your calendars for 16-18 January, and keep up with trading and technology trends.
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