
Tutte le pubblicazioni

B2Broker at Dubai iFX 2024: Reinventing Technology Into Brokerage and Trading Systems
We start the year with a massive participation at the Dubai iFX 2024, a critical global stage for FinTech and development companies. Our CEO, Arthur Azizov, participated in an exciting panel discussion about the technological developments in the trading landscape. Arthur spoke about some advanced use cases of AI, especially for traders and brokers. Some of these AI applications are not being implemented yet by companies. What are they? Watch the video to learn more.
B2Broker at the iFX Expo Dubai 2024: Let’s Shape The Future Together
We are starting the new year with a thrilling participation at the prestigious iFX Expo Dubai 2024 in the Dubai World Trade Centre. This event is a critical stage for investing and trading software companies and industry experts, as it discusses the latest trends and best practices when it comes to implementing technology and innovations. B2Broker is attending as a Diamond sponsor, and we can’t wait to welcome you all to our booth. Mark your calendars for 16-18 January, and keep up with trading and technology trends.
Explaining Float Rotation - Identifying Hidden Market Patterns
Spiegazione della Float Rotation: Come Aiuta a Identificare i Modelli sul Mercato Nascosti?
Negli ultimi anni il trading è diventato uno dei percorsi professionali più validi e redditizi. In passato, il trading era accessibile solo a professionisti altamente istruiti e con ingenti fondi da destinare al trading.
Articoli Diventare Milionario con Memecoin: Realtà o Finzione? 01.11.2023
Aggiornamenti del prodotto B2Core iOS v1.20 si integra con cTrader, migliorando gli standard di trading mobile 01.11.2023
Articoli Comprendere la GameFi e il Futuro del Settore del Gaming 31.10.2023
Liquidity Aggregation Nature: Its Advantage For The Crypto Market Articoli La Natura dell'Aggregazione di Liquidità e i Suoi Vantaggi per il Mercato delle Criptovalute 30.10.2023
How Does a Broker-Dealer Work? Articoli Come Funziona un Broker-Dealer? 26.10.2023
ABCs of Crypto ETFs: How Do They Work Articoli Basi degli ETF su Criptovalute: Come Funzionano? 25.10.2023
B2Broker and B2BinPay at Blockchain Economy Dubai 2023 Eventi B2Broker e B2BinPay al Blockchain Economy Dubai 2023 - Rapporto dell'evento 24.10.2023 Articoli Che Cos'è un'API di Trading? 24.10.2023
Building Smart Contracts for Everyone Articoli Capire Solidity: Sviluppo di Smart Contract per Tutti 23.10.2023
Can Zero-Knowledge Proofs Restore Trust In Blockchain Articoli Le Prove a Conoscenza Zero Ripristineranno la Fiducia nella Blockchain? 20.10.2023
What Do High Interest Rates Mean For Crypto Hodlers Articoli Che Cosa Significano i Tassi di Interesse Elevati per gli Investitori in Criptovalute? 19.10.2023
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