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Multi-Asset CFD Liquidity at Institutional Scale: What is an NDF as CFD
At the recent Forex Expo Dubai, John Murillo, Chief Dealing Officer at B2Broker, took the stage to enlighten the audience on an emerging topic in the finance world: NDFs as CFDs. Traditional NDFs have long been used as a hedging tool, but John discussed the transformative approach of offering them as CFDs. This shift presents brokers with a host of benefits, from reaching new audiences to quicker settlements. And the idea of offering local currency? It's not just a passing trend; it's making real waves in the industry. If you're keen to understand these developments and their impact, John's insights in this video are a must-watch.
How to Master the Perfect FX Trading Strategy | B2Broker at Forex Expo Dubai
Join B2Broker's CEO, Arthur Azizov, and top industry voices at the Forex Expo Dubai for an in-depth examination of FX trading strategies. They unpack the key principles of trading, emphasising the importance of managing risks and understanding the difference between technical and fundamental analysis. A key takeaway? Recognising your role in the market: trader or investor. The panel also explores the power of strategy backtesting and offers guidance on acting during the market abnormality.
How AI Will Affect Cryptocurrency Market
Come l’AI influenzerà il mercato delle criptovalute?
Computerintelligenz (oder künstliche Intelligenz) ist heute einer der fortschrittlichsten Bereiche der Informationstechnologieentwicklung, dessen Grundlage maschinelles Lernen ist.
Articoli Migliori 10 criptovalute AI nel 2023 17.05.2023
Articoli Cosa sono le materie prime e come funzionano? 10.05.2023
Articoli Scegliere la regolamentazione per la licenza di broker forex nel 2023. Pro e contro 05.05.2023
Articoli Tempo di CBDC. Cosa succederà nel 2023? 03.05.2023
Articoli Che cos’è la liquidità multi-asset? 01.05.2023
Articoli Che cos’è il market making e come funziona? 27.04.2023
Articoli Che cos’è la vendita allo scoperto nel trading? 24.04.2023 Articoli Pool di liquidità per criptovalute: come funzionano? 21.04.2023
What are Futures And How Do They Work? Articoli Che cosa sono i futures e come funzionano? 19.04.2023
B2Broker Group Joins the Vision Forex Forum 2023 Eventi B2Broker Group partecipa al Vision Forex Forum 2023 18.04.2023
What is Energy Trading and How Does it Work? Articoli Che cos’è il trading su energia e come funziona? 17.04.2023
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