
Tutte le pubblicazioni

B2BROKER Q&A | What is a Net Open Position (NOP)?
Join B2Broker's CEO Arthur Azizov and CDO John Murillo as they discuss the concept of net open positions. Learn what NOP is, why it is important for brokers and their customers, and how tiered positions are related to NOPs. Get your key questions answered and get up to speed on this important topic!
B2BROKER Q&A | What is a Tiered Margin Approach?
In the new Q&A video, B2Broker's CEO Arthur Azizov and Chief Dealing Officer John Murillo discuss the concept of tiered margins and how they work. With real-world examples, they explain why this approach is important for brokers in managing their risk levels. Don't miss out on this insightful conversation!
Notizie aziendali
Le Novità della Compagnia B2BROKER | 2.08.2021
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