Tutte le pubblicazioni

The Rise of Crypto Payments and Their Impact on Traditional Financial Systems
Catch up on a panel session featuring Ivan Navodnyy, B2Broker's Chief Product Officer! Learn more about the rise of crypto payments and their impact on traditional financial systems. Here industry experts discuss crypto payments' advantages versus traditional payments, regulatory issues, adoption rates, how banks deal with this new trend, and what the future holds for crypto payments.

B2BROKER Q&A | Banking System Volatility and Its Implications
In this video, CEO Arthur Azizov and CDO John Murillo discuss the recent events in the banking sector and their implications. They explain what a bank run is, why bank stocks began to feel the crisis, how central banks' moves are connected with it, how these events impact the crypto market, and how brokers can deal with such circumstances. Tune in to find out what B2Broker's CDO and CEO have to say about the current banking situation.

Aggiornamenti del prodotto
B2TRADER potenzia il pannello amministratore con i bilanci utenti e con aggiornamenti nell’area di importo di cripto asset
Il team di sviluppo di B2BROKER è lieto di annunciare una serie di ulteriori aggiornamenti che sono stati aggiunti al pannello amministratore, incrementando ulteriormente le sue performance e fornire un’esperienza utente complessiva migliorata.