白标 MT4 与 MT5:深入了解

通过白标交易平台解决方案,您可以创建一家经纪公司,而无需购买完整的交易平台本身。选择 WL 白标平台,您可以租用服务器的一部分,获得与服务器主管相同的优势,但无需为投资完整的平台结构所有权而付出高昂的费用,也避免了随之而来的痛苦和麻烦技术问题。总之,如果您的目标是成为有竞争力的外汇经纪商,您最好的方法是通过 MetaTrader 4/MetaTrader 5 白标解决方案。
MetaTrader 4 及其姊妹版 MetaTrader 5 轻松跻身世界上最具创意、快速和高效的交易平台之列。两者均由 MetaQuotes 构建,该公司在为经纪商生产交易解决方案和交易软件方面是世界级的领导者。
什么是白标 MetaTrader?
您可以通过使用白标解决方案来创建经纪公司,而无需设计自己的交易平台。使用白标平台时,拥有整个平台的所有优势都将保留,但您将节省资金并避免使用完整服务器时可能出现的大量技术问题。最后,如果您对建立具有竞争力的外汇经纪公司感兴趣,您可以选择探索为 MetaTrader 4/5 白标实施 WL 解决方案。
介绍经纪商和经验丰富的外汇交易员可以使用 MetaTrader 4 和 MetaTrader 5 的白标应用程序创建自己的外汇经纪商。除了核心工具,白标程序还包括后台支持。该解决方案既适合市场新手,也适合更成熟、经验丰富的参与者,因为它可以满足不同技能水平的经纪商的需求。
精心设计的白标解决方案包将消除您的经纪业务在其初期可能遇到的任何进入障碍。使用适当的 MT4/MT5 WL 白标解决方案包时经常出现这种情况。此外,它易于使用且价格低廉,这可能是最重要的元素。
MT4/MT5 白标有哪些优势?
#1. Low-Cost Forex Market Entry
Purchasing a complete server for your first entry into the forex market is neither prudent nor desirable, and it would cost you a significant sum of money that you might spend elsewhere. By opting for an MT4 white label program, you may get the high quality associated with the MT4/MT5 platform, which is equal to an industry standard and the platform of choice for the majority of brokers and traders, but at a fraction of the expense associated with complete server ownership. Thus, the key benefit of the MT4/MT5 white label solution is a faster and more cost-efficient market entry.
#2. Branded MT4 Platform
To survive in today’s extremely competitive forex trading environment, it is critical that you can completely brand your platform in order to distinguish your product and stand out among rivals in the eyes of prospective consumers. With an MT4 white label solution, you get a completely customized platform that you can brand whatever you want, using your own colors and themes to create that unique feel and appearance that will amaze your visitors and inspire them to become repeat customers.
#3. Cross-Device Support
All devices, including desktop, mobile, and tablet, are supported. MetaTrader 4 is a cross-platform trading software that works on a variety of platforms, including desktop computers, smartphones, and tablets. Thus, by using the MT4 / MT5 white label solution and resolving all compatibility difficulties, you can attract traders using any device and enable them to trade from any location, even on the move. This ease of access for potential clients is critical for company success.
#4. Complete Account Control
MetaTrader 4 is built on a highly dependable security system that protects the user’s privacy and the security of both data and transactions while trading. Additionally, it gives you complete control over all account-related matters, as it includes numerous tools and controls that enable you to manage the entire process from start to finish, including Create/Edit Trading Account, Deposit & Withdrawal, Reports and History Management, and Multiple Accounts Login.
#5. Compatible with Any Liquidity Source
Because the MT4/MT5 white label platform is compatible with any liquidity provider, you have complete discretion over which liquidity provider to engage with. There are no limits or incompatibilities, and even if your original pick proves to be incorrect, you can always quickly and without difficulty move to another liquidity provider. Because the liquidity provider’s function is critical to the health and profitability of your brokerage, you are free to pick whichever one best suits your tastes and circumstances.
MT4 vs MT5的区别
#1. Programming Language
MT5 is written in a different programming language than MT4, namely MQL5, while MT4 is written in MQL4. Initially, the MQL5 language was the sole framework that allowed trading robots and other expert advisers accessible to people. MetaQuotes, on the other hand, made this option available to MetaTrader 4 customers a few years ago. As a result, this distinction has been eliminated. Having said that, there is a strong possibility that future updates will not include MT4.
#2. Financial Markets Exposure
Originally, MT4 was intended to be used just for Forex transactions; however, as more brokers adopted more instruments, MT4 eventually grew and now includes additional instruments. MT5, on the other hand, was designed to serve all major markets, including equities, futures, and foreign exchange trading instruments. Additionally, MT5 enables a limitless number of symbols, while MT4 has a limitation of 1024.
#3. Trading & Orders
One of the most prevalent day-to-day issues that most traders have with MT5 is that their orders are aggregated when dealing with numerous orders for the same asset. On the other hand, users feel much more at ease while dealing with several orders of the same item in MT4, since each order is shown independently. Pending orders simply relate to the capacity to purchase or sell an item in the future at a preset price.
在订单类型上,MT4 支持四种,例子 buy stop 突破买入、buy limit 回踩买入、sell limit 回踩卖出、sell stop 突破卖出,而 MT5 支持六种,额外包括 buy stop limit 突破回踩买入、sell stop limit 突破回踩卖出。
#4. Analysis and Charting Capabilities
MetaTrader4 and MetaTrader 5 are both well-known for their amazing charting capabilities, making them the most sought-after forex trading platforms. MT4 has a basic library of 30 technical indicators and 31 graphical elements, as well as 2000+ free custom indicators, extra commercial indicators, and a choice of nine periods ranging from 1-minute charts to one-month charts. On the other hand, MT5 has 38 pre-installed technical indicators and 44 graphical items that may be applied to 21 various periods. Along with the standard timeframes, MT5 has two, eight, and twelve-hour charts, which may be beneficial for many day traders. Both platforms include popular indicators like the Relative Strength Index, Stochastics, and Bollinger Bands, as well as tools for creating Fibonacci and Elliot waves.
您应该选择哪个:WL 白标 MT4 或 WL 白标 MT5?
在对平台进行深入研究后,以下是快速回顾: 简而言之,虽然 MT4 是最受欢迎的平台,但它确实存在一定的缺点。 MT5 平台增加了多功能性并纠正了 MT4 平台的一些缺点,尽管它仍然不像其前身那样被普遍认可或使用。此外,虽然我们认为 MT5 / MT4 白标解决方案是建立新外汇经纪商的最谨慎选择,但该领域正在扩大和发展,在做出最终决定之前探索不同的平台并不是一个坏主意,比较所有可用选项并确定最适合您的选项。
如果您需要这方面的帮助,B2BROKER – 一个 MT5 / MT4 白标提供商随时为您提供帮助。专业人员将根据您的要求配置每个组件,让您无后顾之忧。外汇经纪商可以使用强大的软件,这为他们提供了超越竞争对手的优势。
B2BROKER 提供全面的解决方案,处理所有业务要素,提供卓越的客户服务,并投资于员工的成长和发展。 B2BROKER 白标交易平台可以很容易地连接到当前系统(B2Core、IB 模块和其他有效的解决方案)。 24 小时内,WL 白标平台的功能可能会调整。