

B2BROKER at Dubai iFX 2024: Reinventing Technology Into Brokerage and Trading Systems
We start the year with a massive participation at the Dubai iFX 2024, a critical global stage for FinTech and development companies. Our CEO, Arthur Azizov, participated in an exciting panel discussion about the technological developments in the trading landscape. Arthur spoke about some advanced use cases of AI, especially for traders and brokers. Some of these AI applications are not being implemented yet by companies. What are they? Watch the video to learn more.
B2BROKER at the iFX Expo Dubai 2024: Let’s Shape The Future Together
We are starting the new year with a thrilling participation at the prestigious iFX Expo Dubai 2024 in the Dubai World Trade Centre. This event is a critical stage for investing and trading software companies and industry experts, as it discusses the latest trends and best practices when it comes to implementing technology and innovations. B2BROKER is attending as a Diamond sponsor, and we can’t wait to welcome you all to our booth. Mark your calendars for 16-18 January, and keep up with trading and technology trends.
B2BROKER 和 B2BINPAY 在倫敦 ICE 展示解決方案
B2BROKER 和 B2BINPAY 很榮幸參加 ICE London,歐洲最大的國際B2B遊戲盛會!從 2 月 7 日至 9 日,我們有機會與來自全球的行業專業人士會面,並向與會者展示我們的解決方案和產品!
活動 B2BROKER 和 B2BINPAY 參加巴林金融科技和加密貨幣峰會 10.03.2023
文章 建立投資組合的十大技巧 10.03.2023
文章 為什麼社區跟單交易平台對經紀人很重要? 10.03.2023
產品更新 B2CORE 提供具有增強的用戶體驗和安全性的新更新 09.03.2023
活動 B2Broker和B2Binpay將參加“Seamless Asia 2023” 08.03.2023
活動 B2Broker和B2BinPay將在"2023亞洲外匯博覽會(iFX Expo Asia 2023)"上一鳴驚人! 07.03.2023
活動 B2Broker和B2BinPay受邀參加2023年外匯交易商峰會(Forex Traders Summit 2023) 07.03.2023
https://media.b2broker.com/app/uploads/2023/03/Frame-60362.png 文章 2023年接受比特幣支付 07.03.2023
活動 B2Broker和B2BinPay將參加“2023年度歐洲金融20/20(Money20/20 Europe 2023)” 07.03.2023
活動 B2Broker和B2BinPay將在“區塊鏈經濟伊斯坦布爾峰會(Blockchain Economy Istanbul Summit)”上亮相 06.03.2023
活動 B2Broker和B2BinPay已準備好在"Seamless Middle East 2023"展會上展示創新的解決方案 06.03.2023
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