

Liquidity for Retail Trading Providers | B2BROKER at Finance Magnates London Summit 2023
Join Philip Spurgeon, our UK Branch Director at B2PRIME, in an interesting panel discussion at the Finance Magnates London Summit 2023, a prestigious event gathering top-notch FinTech and trading corporations. Philip shared valuable insights alongside industry leaders from Swiss Finance Corporation, Tradefeedr and other market key players about liquidity trends in 2023, considering the changing environment and new innovations in the industry. The panel discussed the reasons for liquidity and volatility stability this year and what the market will look like in the coming years. Philip pointed out the increasing demand for white label trading software, where new businesses quickly activate their services and engage in the highly competitive market. There’s a lot to learn from listening to these market gurus, so make sure you watch the video.
Crypto Decentralisation Explained: What Does It Mean?
Cryptocurrencies empower blockchain transactions that are fast and secure, allowing users to send and receive virtual money over DeFi platforms. Do crypto tokens work the same? How do tokens operate in decentralised finance? Edward Eremeev from B2BINPAY highlights the meaning behind DeFi defining the difference between crypto coins and tokens. Watch this short video to learn how crypto tokens are governed and distributed.
發布了 B2CORE iOS 應用程序的兩個更新,其中包含許多有價值
的到其流行的 B2CORE iOS 應用程序,v1.15.0 和 1.16.0。該應用程序在不斷發展,因此團隊不斷尋找方法來增強用戶體驗,使用新的界面元素、新屏幕和工具來通知用戶並與用戶交流。這些更新包括許多有價值的改進,旨在增強用戶體驗並補充成功的交易。一些關鍵的改進包括:
文章 如何在 2023 年創建外匯經紀業務:分步指南 23.12.2022
產品更新 B2BINPAY 重新設計的網站、新定價、代幣和商戶模型 22.12.2022
文章 如何在 2023 年獲得外匯牌照? 21.12.2022
產品更新 B2BROKER 推出新的流动性报价 15.12.2022
What is Swing Trading? 文章 什么是最佳波段交易指标? 13.12.2022
產品更新 通過客戶端測試提高驗證級別的選項 07.12.2022
文章 如何開始日間交易? - 終極指南 06.12.2022
https://media.b2broker.com/app/uploads/2022/12/Frame-60311.png 文章 MACD 指標 - 如何閱讀圖表? 01.12.2022
How To Choose Crypto Exchange Software? 文章 選擇加密交換軟件:有用的提示 01.12.2022
What is Scalping? 文章 什麼是交易中的剝頭皮? 29.11.2022
產品更新 B2CONNECT 更新:技術和用戶體驗的全面突破 25.11.2022
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