

iFX Expo Asia 2023 | Critical Role Of a Liquidity Provider
In his keynote speech, John Murillo, Chief Dealing Officer at B2Broker, dives into why liquidity providers are so important. He explains what prime brokerages and prime-of-prime LPs are in detail and looks at the pros and cons of different liquidity approaches.
B2BinPay Explores Athletic Club in Spain’s Football Legacy
The B2BinPay team, led by CEO Arthur Azizov, CCO Eugenia Mykuliak, and CDO John Murillo, had the chance to visit Athletic Club in Bilbao, Spain. From witnessing the rich history of the club at its museum to cheering on the team at San Mamés Stadium, it was a day full of exciting experiences that made the official partnership between Athletic Club and B2BinPay even more special! Watch now and join us on this historic trip!
B2Broker 最近在備受矚目的媒體和公關活動中推出了新網站和企業品牌。
活動 上海錢博會 視頻報告 06.10.2020
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活動 共識2019/美國,紐約視頻報導-B2Broker 04.10.2020
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活動 採訪Evgeniya Mykulyak-2019迪拜外匯博覽會-B2Broker 04.10.2020
活動 Barcelona Trading Conference Highlights B2Broker 04.10.2020
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