

Where’s The Alpha? Technology and Products in Retail Trading | B2Broker at FMLS 2023
Our Chief Dealing Officer, John Murillo, alongside industry leaders, took on a hot topic discussion about technology in retail trading during the Finance Magnates London Summit 2023. The highly attended panel talk shared valuable insights about the role of Artificial Intelligence in improving brokerage services. John discussed utilising AI capabilities to provide a streamlined service and user experience, enhancing customer experience in the long term. The panel focused on AI implementation in trading platforms and the ethical implications and best practices that bring profitability for traders and investors alike.
Challenges of In-House Software Development | B2Broker at FMLS 2023
Check out the speech of our CEO and Founder, Arthur Azizov, as he concluded B2Broker’s participation in the prestigious FMLS with valuable nuggets about software development challenges. Arthur started his speech by showcasing the changes in the software landscape, from having full-stack developers to dedicated front-end and back-end developers, as a response to the vast updates in the industry. Arthur discussed 8 challenges software development companies face today, including product design, testing, cloud infrastructure, team synchronisation practices, and many more you can find by watching this 30-minute speech.
How Far Can You Go With Smart Money Trading
Trading with "smart money" involves large sums of capital that are under the control of institutional investors and hedge funds. Because of their knowledge and experience, they are able to invest in financial securities with high accuracy.
イベント iFX Expo Cyprus 2023を振り返る– イベントレポート 28.09.2023
記事 投資家の安全な選択となるリスクパリティ戦略 27.09.2023
記事 2023年の取引に使えるベストなトレンドインジケーター 26.09.2023
B2Broker and B2BinPay at TOKEN2049 Singapore – Post-Event Report
イベント B2BrokerとB2BinPayが参加したTOKEN2049 シンガポールの報告レポート 22.09.2023
The Importance of Copy Trading for A Forex Broker. 記事 外国為替ブローカーに対するコピートレードの重要性について 21.09.2023
Importance Of White Label Exchange Software: How Does it Work 記事 ホワイトラベルの重要性:どのように機能しますか? 20.09.2023
Components of a Back-Office System for Forex Brokers 記事 外国為替ブローカーのための2024年バックオフィスシステムの構成要素 19.09.2023 記事 ブロックチェーンのトリレンマとは何ですか? 15.09.2023
Backtest Your Portfolio 記事 なぜポートフォリオをバックテストすべきなのか? 14.09.2023
B2Core & IDWise Partner 製品アップデート B2Core & IDWise、AIを活用したe-KYCおよびID認証ソリューションの提供で提携 12.09.2023
B2BinPay v17 Is Live 製品アップデート B2BinPay v17が稼動 高度な機能、リニューアルされたUI、そして更新された価格 07.09.2023
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