모든 간행물
Navigating the Bitcoin Derivatives Space
B2Broker’s Chief Dealing Officer, John Murillo, was part of the highly anticipated summit BTC Amsterdam and delivered an interesting presentation about the Bitcoin derivatives space. The speech was attended by industry key players and like-minded crypto enthusiasts who believed in the future of crypto derivatives. John highlighted the difference between derivative and spot trading, emphasising the wide choices for trading crypto contracts like short selling and using leverage compared to the limited choices with spot trading. The presentation was completed with the perfect roadmap for newly emerging businesses in the crypto space.
Multi-Asset CFD Liquidity at Institutional Scale: What is an NDF as CFD
At the recent Forex Expo Dubai, John Murillo, Chief Dealing Officer at B2Broker, took the stage to enlighten the audience on an emerging topic in the finance world: NDFs as CFDs. Traditional NDFs have long been used as a hedging tool, but John discussed the transformative approach of offering them as CFDs. This shift presents brokers with a host of benefits, from reaching new audiences to quicker settlements. And the idea of offering local currency? It's not just a passing trend; it's making real waves in the industry. If you're keen to understand these developments and their impact, John's insights in this video are a must-watch.
B2 Broker는 2022년 두바이 Wiki Finance Expo에 참여했습니다.
위키 파이낸스 엑스포 두바이 2022는 우리 팀에게 환상적인 경험이었습니다. 미래의 비즈니스 성장을 위해 새로운 고객을 만나고 기존 파트너와의 관계를 강화할 수 있는 좋은 기회였습니다. 이 행사는 네트워킹과 관계 구축을 위한 귀중한 플랫폼을 제공했으며, 우리는 우리가 접촉한 것이 우리의 비즈니스 목표를 달성하는 데 도움이 될 것이라고 확신합니다. 저희 B2Broker는 시간을 내주신 모든 분들께 감사드리며, 앞으로도 함께 일하기를 기대합니다!