

Stop Loss & Take Profit: Limit or Market Orders?
Join B2Broker's CEO, Arthur Azizov, and CDO, John Murillo, as they delve into the headaches of trading orders. Find the answers to the burning questions: Are stop loss and take profit limit or market orders? What distinguishes buy/sell stop limit orders? And what exactly is a trailing stop? The video will also shed light on the crucial role of communication with brokers or liquidity providers in understanding order definitions.
The Power of Liquidity Providers | B2BROKER at Money Expo Mumbai
At Money Expo Mumbai, B2Broker's Business Development Manager, Kuldeep Mahindrakar, highlighted the significance of liquidity providers in the financial sector. He emphasised the benefits of Prime of Prime over single LPs and showcased B2Broker's top-tier services. Subscribe for more meaningful insights.
What is Leverage?
金融市场的电子交易是一场充满跌宕起伏的不可预知的冒险,有时每一秒都值得它的重量。尽管在金融资产交易中赚钱的机会很大,但一些交易者和投资者,尤其是初学者,坚持在底部买入资产然后以尽可能高的价格卖出的简单策略。然而,有一种交易模式允许使用从经纪商或证券交易所借来的资金来增加投资。这种模式称为杠杆交易或最常见的 - 保证金交易。
文章 什么是限价单? - 定义 01.02.2023
产品更新 B2BROKER 通过与 Match Trader 集成扩展其白标流动性产品 01.02.2023
活动 B2BROKER 和 B2BINPAY 为 2023 年迪拜 iFX 博览会带来创新解决方案——并获得动力! 27.01.2023
文章 剥头皮与日内交易 27.01.2023
文章 使您的生活更简单的 10 大加密货币分析工具 26.01.2023
What is Staking and How Does it Work? 文章 什么是 权益质押,它是如何运作的? 24.01.2023
活动 开启金融的未来:2022 年金融巨头伦敦峰会上的 B2BROKER 和 B2BINPAY 23.01.2023
https://media.b2broker.com/app/uploads/2023/01/Wiki-FX-Hong-Kong.png 活动 B2BROKER 和 B2BINPAY 在香港维基金融展览会上大放异彩 20.01.2023
What Crypto Winter Means and When It Will Come to a Close? 文章 加密冬天意味着什么以及何时结束 19.01.2023
活动 B2BROKER 和 B2BINPAY 准备参加 2023 年欧盟区块链公约 16.01.2023
活动 B2BROKER 将在巴林金融科技和加密货币峰会上展示解决方案 11.01.2023
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