

Evaluating Brokerage Risks
In this Q&A session, B2Broker's CEO and CDO explore the dangers of brokers working with just one counterparty. They discuss the potential risks of relying solely on a single liquidity provider and the broader implications for a brokerage's stability. Learn about the importance of diversifying liquidity sources, prioritising clients' best interests, and the advantages of partnering with a regulated, reliable Prime of Prime.
Kuldeep Mahindrakar Talks Crypto’s Role in Financial Evolution | B2Broker Mumbai Panel
B2Broker's BDM, Kuldeep Mahindrakar, shared his expertise during a panel discussion in Mumbai. Kuldeep explored the functionalities of B2BinPay and provided valuable insights on how cryptocurrencies are revolutionising cross-border transactions and overcoming traditional banking challenges. Are we witnessing a shift in global finance?
B2Broker 将在巴林金融科技和加密货币峰会上展示解决方案
B2Broker 和 B2BinPay 很高兴参加将于 2 月 15 日至 16 日巴林麦纳麦 举行的著名的巴林金融科技和加密货币峰会!我们的团队期待推出创新产品,与加密和金融科技行业的推动者和振动者联系,并了解加密领域的最新趋势!
文章 如何开展加密业务? 11.01.2023
文章 如何在 2023 年找到外汇流动性提供商 06.01.2023
文章 赢家和输家——2022 年的项目 02.01.2023
How To Create Crypto Exchange? 文章 如何在 2023 年创建加密货币交易所 30.12.2022
活动 B2Broker 将参加 ICE London 29.12.2022
How To Start White Label Broker? 文章 如何在 2023 年启动白标经纪商? 28.12.2022
B2Broker and B2BinPay to Showcase at the iFX Expo Dubai 2023 活动 B2Broker 和 B2BinPay 将在 2023 年迪拜 iFX 博览会上展示 27.12.2022
https://media.b2broker.com/app/uploads/2022/12/Обложка-2.png 产品更新 B2Broker发布了两个更新到B2Core iOS应用程序,带来了许多有价值的改进。 23.12.2022
How To Create Forex Broker in 2023? 文章 如何在 2023 年创建外汇经纪业务:分步指南 23.12.2022
产品更新 B2BinPay 重新设计的网站、新定价、代币和商户模型 22.12.2022
Obtaining Forex License 文章 如何在 2023 年获得外汇牌照? 21.12.2022
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