

What Is Prime of Prime? Your Easy Guide to PoP Liquidity Providers
Join B2Broker CEO Arthur Azizov and CDO John Murillo as they unpack the concept of Prime of Prime liquidity providers. In this informative video, they clear up any confusion about choosing to work with a single PoP institution versus multiple liquidity providers, such as Tier-1 banks and non-bank entities. They also highlight the risks of relying on a single provider and share tips on how to promote risk diversification and improve capital efficiency.
Market, Limit, Stop, GTC, IOC, FOK Orders. How Do They Work?
In this video, B2Broker CEO Arthur Azizov and CDO John Murillo discuss the different types of orders used in trading. They provide a comprehensive overview of market, sell limit, stop, fill or kill (FoK), immediate or cancel (IoC), take profit and stop limit order, and more. They also explain the differences between each type of order and discuss how they can be used in different trading scenarios.
活动报告:2022 年迪拜外汇展览会上的 B2Broker 和 B2BinPay
外汇展览会 Forex Expo 是行业领导者和投资者交流、了解新趋势和探索外汇商机的重要年度盛会。展览会为参与者提供了从该领域最优秀的专家那里了解外汇市场最新创新的机会。今年的活动在世界贸易中心举行,这是迪拜最繁忙和最受欢迎的地点之一。世界贸易中心是举办交易会、展览、音乐会和全球会议的热门场所,为扩大中东地区的国际贸易创造了重要平台。
产品更新 将 Centroid 技术集成到其一站式经纪解决方案 17.11.2022
文章 什么是市价单? - 定义 14.11.2022
文章 波段交易与剥头皮交易 10.11.2022
活动 B2Broker 参加了伦敦数字资产峰会 09.11.2022
文章 加密货币流动性意味着什么 08.11.2022
产品更新 B2Broker 推出带有止损订单的新 B2Trader 更新能力 08.11.2022
文章 如何以低成本快速启动加密货币交易所 04.11.2022
https://media.b2broker.com/app/uploads/2022/11/Обложка-Affiliate.png 文章 什么是联属网络营销计划以及它们如何运作? 03.11.2022
产品更新 B2Broker 推出 B2Core REST API v2.1,其中包含用于用户管理、KYC 等的新方法 28.10.2022
活动 B2Broker 和 B2BinPay 参加了 2022 年迪拜 Fazzaco 博览会 24.10.2022
活动 B2Broker 和 B2BinPay 参加 2022 年迪拜加密博览会 — 活动报告 24.10.2022
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