

The Rise of Crypto Payments and Their Impact on Traditional Financial Systems
Catch up on a panel session featuring Ivan Navodnyy, B2Broker's Chief Product Officer! Learn more about the rise of crypto payments and their impact on traditional financial systems. Here industry experts discuss crypto payments' advantages versus traditional payments, regulatory issues, adoption rates, how banks deal with this new trend, and what the future holds for crypto payments.
B2Broker Q&A | Banking System Volatility and Its Implications
In this video, CEO Arthur Azizov and CDO John Murillo discuss the recent events in the banking sector and their implications. They explain what a bank run is, why bank stocks began to feel the crisis, how central banks' moves are connected with it, how these events impact the crypto market, and how brokers can deal with such circumstances. Tune in to find out what B2Broker's CDO and CEO have to say about the current banking situation.
B2Broker 宣布参加 2021 年迪拜外汇博览会:对中东和北非地区的进一步承诺
B2Broker 在最近几周签署了第二届迪拜世博会后,很高兴宣布其致力于扩大其在中东和北非地区的业务的承诺。 B2Broker 将于 5 月 19 日至 20 日在迪拜 FX Expo 展览会上再次扮演重要角色,成为将于 2021 年 9 月 29 日至 30 日在迪拜世界贸易中心举行的 The Forex Expo Dubai 的钻石赞助商。
活动 %title% 02.04.2021
产品更新 B2Trader 管理员版本:时区首选项和管理员密码更新(最新添加) 30.03.2021
企业新闻 B2Broker 在网站上添加了 3 个新产品页面,以补充客户的其他服 29.03.2021
文章 加密数字货币交易所流动性 18.03.2021
活动 %title% 04.03.2021
产品更新 B2Core 更新:2021 年 3 月 2 日 02.03.2021
产品更新 B2Trader 通过包括风险监控和套利监控开发在内的改进来更新后端 26.02.2021
https://media.b2broker.com/app/uploads/2021/02/b2trader-updates-feb-3-1.png 产品更新 B2Trader 通过用户余额和加密资产金额字段更新来增强管理面板 24.02.2021
产品更新 B2Core 更新:2021 年 2 月 16 日 19.02.2021
企业新闻 B2Broker:公司新网站和品牌的发展 13.02.2021
产品更新 B2Trader 的管理面板添加了更新,包括新的盈亏指标和还原页面改进 09.02.2021
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