

B2Broker Q&A | What is Slippage?
Join B2Broker CEO Arthur Azizov and CDO John Murillo as they discuss an important yet often misunderstood topic for brokers: Slippage! Learn what slippage is, when and why it occurs, and how to address it. Get the answers you need with this essential Q&A video!
Forex Traders Summit 2023 | The Role of Brokers and Trading Platforms in Forex
In this video, Andrew Matushkin, Head of Global Business Development at B2Broker, joins a panel discussion and shares tips on what traders need to consider when choosing a Forex broker. The panelists also examine the evolution of Forex trading, how to achieve balance in risk management and profits when trading, the value of AI for trading, and how different brokers approach crypto assets.
Barcelona Trading Conference Highlights B2Broker
Barcelona Trading Conference Highlights B2Broker
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