
Todas las publicaciones

Journey to the EU Blockchain Convention: The Story of ‘La Leyenda’
When a mysterious man appears in front of an unsuspecting soul in a bar, he brings with him the promise of something special: "La Leyenda ." Follow this mysterious figure as he leads his unwitting companion to the EU Blockchain Convention in Spain, where a chance meeting with B2Broker awaits.
EU Blockchain Convention Spain | Why Market Making is Key for a Crypto Market Recovery
B2Broker's Chief Dealing Officer John Murillo joined a panel of industry experts to discuss why market making is critical for the recovery of the crypto markets. With an analogy of market makers being like bartenders at a high-tech cocktail party, panelists explored the role of these entities in keeping the market orderly and liquid. Speakers also addressed the differences between traditional and crypto markets and how market makers can help bridge that gap. Watch now and learn about how market makers drive the crypto industry forward! x
¿Cómo Obtener Una Licencia De Intercambio De Criptomonedas En Estonia?
Arrancar una compañía de criptomonedas ha demostrado ser una oportunidad de negocios realmente atractiva en los últimos años. Sin embargo, aquellas compañías que buscan obtener una licencia de intercambio de criptomonedas, encuentran información muy limitada sobre el tema. En parte, debido a que actualmente hay muy pocos países en el mundo que emiten licencias de intercambio cripto.
Eventos B2Broker Confirma su Presencia en Consensus 2019 Blockchain Summit 18.04.2019
Eventos B2Broker Asiste a Expo Deconomy Seúl como un Patrocinador de Oro 25.03.2019
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