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Where’s The Alpha? Technology and Products in Retail Trading | B2BROKER at FMLS 2023
Our Chief Dealing Officer, John Murillo, alongside industry leaders, took on a hot topic discussion about technology in retail trading during the Finance Magnates London Summit 2023. The highly attended panel talk shared valuable insights about the role of Artificial Intelligence in improving brokerage services. John discussed utilising AI capabilities to provide a streamlined service and user experience, enhancing customer experience in the long term. The panel focused on AI implementation in trading platforms and the ethical implications and best practices that bring profitability for traders and investors alike.
Challenges of In-House Software Development | B2BROKER at FMLS 2023
Check out the speech of our CEO and Founder, Arthur Azizov, as he concluded B2BROKER’s participation in the prestigious FMLS with valuable nuggets about software development challenges. Arthur started his speech by showcasing the changes in the software landscape, from having full-stack developers to dedicated front-end and back-end developers, as a response to the vast updates in the industry. Arthur discussed 8 challenges software development companies face today, including product design, testing, cloud infrastructure, team synchronisation practices, and many more you can find by watching this 30-minute speech.
The Importance of Copy Trading for A Forex Broker.
L'importance du copy trading pour un courtier Forex
Forex trading, an inherently risky venture, involves buying and selling currencies in the Forex market, a global marketplace that's accessible to both newbies and professional traders.
Articles Importance du logiciel en marque blanche : comment cela fonctionne-t-il ? 20.09.2023
Articles Composants d'un système de back-office pour les courtiers opérant sur le marché du Forex en 2024 19.09.2023
Articles Qu'est-ce que le trilemme des blockchains ? 15.09.2023
Backtest Your Portfolio Articles Pourquoi devriez-vous procéder à un backtesting de votre portefeuille ? 14.09.2023
B2CORE & IDWise Partner Actualités des produits B2CORE et IDWise s'associent pour proposer des solutions d'e-KYC et de vérification d'identité basées sur l'IA 12.09.2023
B2BINPAY v17 Is Live Actualités des produits B2BINPAY v17 est maintenant disponible: Fonctionnalités avancées, interface utilisateur rafraîchie et prix actualisés 07.09.2023
What is PoLygon ZkEVM, and How Does It Work Articles Qu'est-ce que PoLygon ZkEVM, et comment fonctionne-t-il ? 06.09.2023 Articles L'after-hours trading (trading réalisé après les heures de marché) 06.09.2023
Your Guide To Algorithmic Trading. Articles Votre guide du trading algorithmique 04.09.2023
Does Dogecoin Burn Tokens? Innovative Approach In Crypto World Articles Est-ce que Dogecoin Brûle des Tokens ? 01.09.2023
Benefits and Risks of Staking Crypto Articles La Nature, les Avantages et les Risques du Staking de Crypto. 31.08.2023
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