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Liquidity for Retail Trading Providers | B2BROKER at Finance Magnates London Summit 2023
Join Philip Spurgeon, our UK Branch Director at B2PRIME, in an interesting panel discussion at the Finance Magnates London Summit 2023, a prestigious event gathering top-notch FinTech and trading corporations. Philip shared valuable insights alongside industry leaders from Swiss Finance Corporation, Tradefeedr and other market key players about liquidity trends in 2023, considering the changing environment and new innovations in the industry. The panel discussed the reasons for liquidity and volatility stability this year and what the market will look like in the coming years. Philip pointed out the increasing demand for white label trading software, where new businesses quickly activate their services and engage in the highly competitive market. There’s a lot to learn from listening to these market gurus, so make sure you watch the video.
Crypto Decentralisation Explained: What Does It Mean?
Cryptocurrencies empower blockchain transactions that are fast and secure, allowing users to send and receive virtual money over DeFi platforms. Do crypto tokens work the same? How do tokens operate in decentralised finance? Edward Eremeev from B2BINPAY highlights the meaning behind DeFi defining the difference between crypto coins and tokens. Watch this short video to learn how crypto tokens are governed and distributed.
B2BROKER Group’s Impactful Presence at Money Expo India 2023
Présence remarquée du Groupe B2BROKER à Money Expo India 2023
Money Expo India 2023 a été un événement important dans le calendrier financier, et nos équipes de B2BROKER et B2BINPAY étaient fières d'en faire partie.
Articles La génération de leads pour le trading sur le Forex comme base d'une stratégie marketing réussie 29.08.2023
Articles Comment lancer un courtier CFD en marque blanche en 2023 ? 23.08.2023
Articles Coutiers de Forex STP vs ECN : quelle est la différence ? 23.08.2023
What are NDFs? Overview Of Non-Deliverable Forward And Its Functionality 
Articles Qu'est-ce que les NDF ? 21.08.2023
How To Start White Label Bitcoin Exchange? Articles Comment lancer une plateforme de trading Bitcoin en marque blanche ? 17.08.2023
Top 10 KYC Providers 2023. Articles Top 10 des Fournisseurs KYC en 2023 17.08.2023
How to Avoid Margin Call? Articles Comment Éviter l'Appel de Marge ? — Astuces de Trading 16.08.2023 Articles Le rôle des programmes de solutions en marque blanche dans le trading forex 16.08.2023
Brokerage as a Service: (BaaS): Who Needs It? Articles Courtage en tant que Service (BaaS) : Qui en a besoin ? 16.08.2023
Why is AML Screening Important? Articles Pourquoi la vérification AML est-elle importante ? 16.08.2023
Top 10 Investment Strategies and Recommendations in 2023. Articles Les 10 meilleures stratégies et recommendations en termes d'investissement en 2023 14.08.2023
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