Copy trading and managed portfolios are rising in popularity, and according to The Insights Partners report, the copy trading market is growing exceptionally fast, potentially doubling from $2.2 billion to $4 billion by 2030.
As a leading technology provider equipping institutional and retail brokers with innovative solutions, we are diving deeper into this topic in a live webinar in collaboration with Finance Magnates.
The informational session, “The Role of Copy Trading PAMM & MAM in Business Growth Strategies”, will be held on September 23rd at 4 PM GMT +3.
Sergey Ryzhavin, the product owner of B2COPY, our powerful copy trading solution, will explore the unique advantages of B2COPY, highlighting the role of Copy, PAMM, and MAM trading in equipping brokerage firms with a competitive edge when entering or competing in the highly competitive market.
Key features of B2COPY for PAMM, MAM & Copy Trading.
Enhancing business growth through managed account platforms.
Future roadmap and developments for B2COPY.
Interactive Q&A session with Sergey Ryzhavin.
Join us and gain a competitive advantage from the get-go when building your brokerage firm. Register here and prepare your questions for September 23rd at 4 PM GMT +3.