

EU Blockchain Convention Spain | Why Market Making is Key for a Crypto Market Recovery
B2Broker's Chief Dealing Officer John Murillo joined a panel of industry experts to discuss why market making is critical for the recovery of the crypto markets. With an analogy of market makers being like bartenders at a high-tech cocktail party, panelists explored the role of these entities in keeping the market orderly and liquid. Speakers also addressed the differences between traditional and crypto markets and how market makers can help bridge that gap. Watch now and learn about how market makers drive the crypto industry forward! x
EU Blockchain Convention 2023 | Crypto Liquidity Aggregation
B2Broker's Chief Dealing Officer John Murillo dives deep into the current crypto liquidity aggregation and distribution landscape. He explains the growing popularity of crypto derivatives, how liquidity aggregation and distribution works in the crypto trading industry and elucidates B2Broker's unique business framework and advantages of its Prime Brokerage model for crypto derivatives. Additionally, he outlines the benefits of B2Broker's spot liquidity distribution and institutional Prime-of-Prime margin liquidity.
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