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Discussing Blockchain and Adoption Challenges at The FMAS 2024
Join our head of business development, Andrew Matushkin, in an exciting discussion about “Blockchain's Role in Making Africa's Financial Systems Inclusive” at the Finance Magnates Africa Summit. Andrew shared the floor with industry experts from Match2Pay, FirstRand Bank and Mazars and talked about the adoption rate of blockchain among economies, brokers and individual users. Andrew shared his knowledge of the benefits of blockchain for centralised governments and the common challenges that brokerage firms face. This and more in this video of our exciting panel discussion at the FMAS 2024.
How to Boost Your Brokerage Firm with The Best Copy Trading Platforms
Catch up with Sergey Ryzhavin, product manager of B2Copy, as he talks about “Copy Trading: Must Have Tool For Every Broker” at the massive Forex Expo Dubai to the most elite investors, operators and entrepreneurs. Sergey discussed the importance of copy trading software for startups and how brokerage firms can boost their income by offering copy trading tools. Check out this video as Sergey unpacks our massively upgraded copy trading solution, B2Copy, offering an unmatched experience to masters, traders, and businesses.
Concept of Open Banking: Trends and Dynamics
Konzept des Open Banking: Trends und Dynamiken
Open banking services pave the way for traditional banks to offer cutting-edge services driven by API and tech integrations. Here’s how this technology works.
Produkt Updates B2Trader erhält neue Version und eine iOS-Anwendung 26.06.2024
Artikel Welche Unternehmen benötigen einen Kryptowährungs-Zahlungsabwickler? 24.06.2024
Artikel Come Superare la Sfida del Prop Trading e Aumentare i Profitti 21.06.2024
prop trading software features Artikel Wie kann eine Prop-Trading-Software Ihr Geschäft ankurbeln? 20.06.2024
benefits of Bitcoin payments in 2024 Artikel 5 Vorteile von Bitcoin-Zahlungen, die Unternehmen kennen sollten 19.06.2024
B2Core v13 and iOS v1.23 Produkt Updates B2Core v13- und iOS v1.23-Updates stärken Ihr Unternehmen 18.06.2024
Liquidity Preference Theory Artikel Wie die Liquiditätspräferenztheorie unsere Ausgaben beeinflusst 17.06.2024 Artikel Wie sich Bitcoin-ETF-Zuflüsse auf den Kryptomarkt auswirken 14.06.2024
Spot vs Margin Crypto Exchanges: What’s The Difference?
Artikel Spot- vs. Margin-Kryptobörsen: Was ist der Unterschied? 12.06.2024
New generation of B2Copy Produkt Updates B2Brokers Copy-Trading-Plattform der nächsten Generation erschüttert den Markt 11.06.2024
Why is a Copy Trading Tool Artikel Warum ist ein Copy-Trading-Tool für jedes Brokerhaus unverzichtbar? 07.06.2024
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