Toutes les parutions

iFX Expo Asia 2023 | Shaking Up the Payments Landscape in 2023
In this panel discussion, Mina Louka, CEO of B2BINPAY UK, and other professionals discuss the trends that will impact money movements in 2023 in the APEC region and beyond. From cross-border payment solutions and the fragmentation in the market to the current market situation and more!

iFX Expo Asia 2023 | Critical Role Of a Liquidity Provider
In his keynote speech, John Murillo, Chief Dealing Officer at B2BROKER, dives into why liquidity providers are so important. He explains what prime brokerages and prime-of-prime LPs are in detail and looks at the pros and cons of different liquidity approaches.

B2BROKER participera à l’iFX EXPO Asia
Depuis plus d'une décennie, iFX EXPO rassemble les professionnels du trading en ligne, des services financiers et des fintech à travers l'Europe, l'Asie et le Moyen-Orient. Cet événement annuel est la plus grande exposition financière interentreprises au monde qui offre une occasion unique aux leaders du secteur de réseauter et de partager des idées.