

Multi-Asset CFD Liquidity at Institutional Scale: What is an NDF as CFD
At the recent Forex Expo Dubai, John Murillo, Chief Dealing Officer at B2BROKER, took the stage to enlighten the audience on an emerging topic in the finance world: NDFs as CFDs. Traditional NDFs have long been used as a hedging tool, but John discussed the transformative approach of offering them as CFDs. This shift presents brokers with a host of benefits, from reaching new audiences to quicker settlements. And the idea of offering local currency? It's not just a passing trend; it's making real waves in the industry. If you're keen to understand these developments and their impact, John's insights in this video are a must-watch.
How to Master the Perfect FX Trading Strategy | B2BROKER at Forex Expo Dubai
Join B2Broker's CEO, Arthur Azizov, and top industry voices at the Forex Expo Dubai for an in-depth examination of FX trading strategies. They unpack the key principles of trading, emphasising the importance of managing risks and understanding the difference between technical and fundamental analysis. A key takeaway? Recognising your role in the market: trader or investor. The panel also explores the power of strategy backtesting and offers guidance on acting during the market abnormality.
exchange criptomonedas
イベント B2BrokerとB2BinPayは、Money Expo India 2023の準備に取り掛かっています。 13.06.2023
イベント シームレス・ミドル・イースト2023におけるB2BROKER Groupの経験談 12.06.2023
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記事 独自のETFを立ち上げるには? 06.06.2023
イベント B2BROKER Group、Money Expo Mexico 2023で新たなコネクションを構築 - イベントレポート 06.06.2023
イベント B2BrokerとB2BinPayがForex Traders Summit 2023で数々の賞を獲得して帰国 05.06.2023
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製品アップデート B2Core、新アップデートプログラムを公開:イベント通知、Telegram統合、cTraderの詳細データなど 29.05.2023
Proof of Reserves: Who is Still Hiding Something? 記事 埋蔵量の証明:まだ何かを隠しているのは誰なのか? 25.05.2023
イベント B2BrokerとB2BinPayがBlockchain Economy Istanbul Summitに参加しました。 24.05.2023
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