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Stop Loss & Take Profit: Limit or Market Orders?
Join B2Broker's CEO, Arthur Azizov, and CDO, John Murillo, as they delve into the headaches of trading orders. Find the answers to the burning questions: Are stop loss and take profit limit or market orders? What distinguishes buy/sell stop limit orders? And what exactly is a trailing stop? The video will also shed light on the crucial role of communication with brokers or liquidity providers in understanding order definitions.

The Power of Liquidity Providers | B2BROKER at Money Expo Mumbai
At Money Expo Mumbai, B2Broker's Business Development Manager, Kuldeep Mahindrakar, highlighted the significance of liquidity providers in the financial sector. He emphasised the benefits of Prime of Prime over single LPs and showcased B2Broker's top-tier services. Subscribe for more meaningful insights.

10 migliori strumenti per analisi di criptovalute che semplificheranno la tua vita
Negli ultimi 10 anni, le criptovalute sono diventate sempre più popolari. Hanno creato un cambiamento fondamentale nel modo in cui le persone vedono e percepiscono il valore. Questo le ha rese un investimento incredibilmente redditizio.