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Alfa Romeo Unveils New Electric-Hybrid SUV with NFT, Blockchain Technology

Industry News

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Italian car brand Alfa Romeo will incorporate NFT, which has recently become popular in digital art, into its new Tonale SUV, the company announced Tuesday at a car launch.

“Digitalization is a key enabler of our metamorphosis. Tonale is the first car ever to keep a blockchain, non-fungible token. NFTs are based on the same distributed information logic that protects your Bitcoin,” Francesco Calcara, head of Alfa marketing and communication, said during a media briefing. “It records all data on the blockchain.”

Alfa Romeo stated that the NFT will capture vehicle data and generate a certificate that can be used to verify that the vehicle has been properly maintained, which will benefit the vehicle’s residual value. To record the data, the vehicle must be serviced by a licensed Alfa Romeo dealer.

According to Larry Dominique, president of Alfa Romeo’s North American division, the 2023 Tonale subcompact SUV marks the end of the company’s traditional internal combustion engine vehicles.

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