B2TRADER Updates Back End With Improvements Including Risk Monitor and Arbitrage Monitoring Developments
Product Updates

B2Trader comprises cutting-edge exchange matching engine technology, offering a vast range of features that ensure all market participants are given the best execution in order for client demands to be met in record time. Regular updates are crucial with matching engine technology to ensure users always have access to the most technologically advanced solution in the market.
Our latest sprints have mainly focused on dealing activities and alarming systems upgrades, adding some critical milestones for B2TRADER exchange safety.
Online Unrealised PnL Implemented
Unrealised PnL can be very useful and effective for the alarming system. It has been upgraded in a way that an actual user’s unrealised PnL can now be compared to the set daily limit. This alarm can be integrated into any channels or email notifications. This feature can also be very useful for automated checks on every asset withdrawals, when user PnL amount exceeds the limit, alarms in the Trader’s Room might be generated.
Risk Monitor Update
We have changed the logic of Risk Monitor functionality in B2TRADER admin (B2TRADER admin-dealing). Data on ASSET exposure and Root Asset numbers (root asset is a kind of indicative currency- USD, USDT, EUR) should now be updated in a streaming mode. The same is true for Unrealised Asset PnL. Once delivered to B2TRADER admin, our clients will receive information on asset exposure for their exchanges almost in online data.
Longer Asset Names
Until now, we could only process and add markets no longer than 8 characters after the comma (amount scale, price scale) as a standard. It is now possible to make both markets and assets longer with more characters.
Data Consistency Upgrade
The data consistency between the Trader’s Room and B2TRADER database have been upgraded and ensured following the addition of the matching parameter to B2TRADER. From now on, regardless of the changes that occur with user email on the TR side, the B2TRADER username i.e TR liquidity account, can be used to identify the exchange user.
Arbitrage Monitoring
The high priority issue concerning Arbitrage Monitoring has finally been delivered. The new sophisticated algorithm is able to identify arbitrage cheating strategies with more than 3 market chains. This solution should ensure B2TRADER exchanges’ safety against arbitrage cheaters. Alarms will kick-in on any channel that the client sets up.
Charting Bot Fix
Regarding the Charting bot, there was an issue of volume discrepancy between synthetics bot trading and trades generated based on external sources data feed. Despite the daily parameters, Charting bot ejected volume when switching from exchanges to synthetics. This has now been fixed.
Settings/Admin Users
A new method has been created for admin user password change. A user with an admin role is now capable of changing the password for users with admin and support roles. This is due to be integrated into B2TRADER admin for Settings/Admin Users.
Alarm Notifications
Сonditions for sending a notification on PnL to alarm channels has been changed in order to avoid spamming. This is our last anti-spam issue as Trades and Arbitrage have already been incorporated. If the user’s PnL limit has not changed from the last check, the alarm will not be sent to Slack.
New Field
For root_asset back end information the new field has been added: rateScaleUi. This endpoint provides information for the current exchange Root Asset (which is an indicative currency for calculation and display of Totals – summary on commissions, summary on traded volume, summary and assets amount and pnl). RateScaleUi may be used by front-applications to display sufficient precisions for root asset amounts and will be very important during 3rd party integration.
Trade History
Another important issue concerning Volgen (charting bot) has been finalised. The issue was concerning unnatural amounts present in Trade History. It was necessary to have more random and human-like numbers in the Trade History widget. This has now been delivered with the “Trade size rounding” task.
Other Back-End Updates
As part of the task of providing a From_To selection for Totals values in the B2TRADER admin, some updates were made for this admin API method. It now returns not just the total PnL for all users for all assets for all time, but also the information for a particular asset. This should hopefully help to reduce the number of requests per backend in the Commissions / Assets section.
Finally, some minor bugs were fixed and although not all are worth mentioning, an example is a bug in the Logs page (B2TRADER admin/Logs) where pagination was previously not working – this has now been fixed.
About B2Trader
B2Trader is used by many of the world’s best-known exchanges, MTF Brokers, Security Exchanges, Market Makers, Spot FX Brokers and EMIs, with the job of matching an incoming market order of the user with the existing limit order of another user. The engine works 24/7 in parallel with the round-the-clock rhythm of the crypto markets without any breaks. For further information, please email [email protected].