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B2Broker Adds December Updates to B2Core with New KYC Data Section and Anti Fraud Features

Product Updates

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As we approach the year end, the B2Core development team still continues full steam ahead with ongoing product updates, ensuring that everyone has constant access to the most technically advanced cabinet solution on the market.

New Withdrawal Channel

We have integrated IMPAYA, a further withdrawal channel which is applicable to all B2Core users.

Glibilling API Adaptation

The team has adapted the Glibilling payment channel to the new API version. Once again, this is applicable to all B2Core users.

KYC Data

A new KYC Data section has been added within client details where all Verification Level changes will be displayed. Also added are details such as the changer, which can be manual, SumSub and IDM, etc, together with the reason for the change and whether it is an application or manual adjustment. This feature is applicable to all B2Core owners and can be seen in the following visuals:

Anti-Fraud Alert Update

We have reworked the Anti Fraud Identical Phone Number alert. From now on, if someone registers with a confirmed phone that is already in the system, the alert will be triggered, showing all the details regarding the phone and clients who entered it. This is applicable to all B2Core owners.

Group Rights

We have completely reworked System -> Group Rights, so that the sections are now aligned with the menu and all the rights adjusted to CRUD format (Create, Read, Update, Delete). Meanwhile, unnecessary rights have been removed. In addition, the UI of the rights have been updated, so that each section folds in order to create a more comfortable UX for the admin. This update is applicable to all B2Core owners and can be seen as follows:

Even Many Reasons to Get B2Core!

The latest updates further enhance B2Core, the industry’s top and continually evolving solution that helps admins gain accurate control over their financial business operations. If you are looking for the best trader’s room solution, choose B2Core – the industry’s number one choice. Please contact us for assistance.

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