B2TRADER Adds New Set of Admin Panel Updates Including New PnL Metric and Revert Page Improvements
Product Updates

B2Trader comprises cutting-edge exchange matching engine technology, offering a vast range of features that ensure all market participants are given the best execution in order for client demands to be met in record time. The importance of regular updates is paramount as it ensures users always have access to one of the most technologically advanced solutions in the market. Recent B2TRADER updates effective from 27th January are:
Balances Page Adjustment
On the Balances page (balance/users) invalid roles of admin users (support, admin & bot) have been removed from the list and from the balance reports. The page now provides information for the user which reveals real balances.
Trade Revert Page and New Search Function
Trade revert page (dealing/roll-back tab) now displays user email IDs, and not the uuid ID as before.
The pagination was also added for displaying a large amount of data on user trades details on the revert page. (Roll-back).
A new search function means that exchange users can now be searched by email on the Roll-back page. All user input fields have been updated and renamed.
Trade revert (roll-back page in admin) is functionality that allows you to cancel (revert) any user’s trade, i.e the return of the base amount and the quota amount of the trade to its original state, including the return of the commission to the user’s balance.

User Roles
For greater flexibility, each exchange user has its own role, which implies its own settings and accounting for data on commissions and balances. This function is now enabled so that a user must specify a role before they can be saved in settings. Hence, exchange users are no longer able to use the “no-role assigned” option.

New PnL Metric
A new important metric for exchange user trade activity has been added. Unrealized PnL information has been delivered to the Commission tab (users/assets) and PnL tab (user / exchange asset) pages. This is applicable for the user or all exchange users, as well as for all assets, allowing access to a strategic overview of the exchange.
Unrealized PnL provides information on a user profit/loss generated for a crypto asset(s) in the user’s portfolio, which means the asset price difference between the rate of the “in” operation (buy /deposit) and the average daily market price of a particular asset for the previous day.

Exchange Reports
Since crypto trading activity of users implies a huge amount of data on trades and orders, the logic of exchange reports generation for trades data and counterparty was upgraded. The counterparty information for each trade is now loaded by polling for the list of trade ID in one request. This is intended to significantly speed up the loading of large amounts of data, the issue some of our clients had.
Markets and Assets Creation
On the new markets and assets creation page (Settings/Markets/Assets), important settings have been added: Amount scale and price scale for new market and price scale for new asset. Price scale determines the accuracy of the market quotation and amount scale sets the accuracy of the volume.
Time of Limit Order
A minor update has been added on the Users page where a brief overview of all user details is provided. Information on the time of limit order input now is available (Created at field).
About B2Trader
B2Trader is used by many of the world’s best-known exchanges, MTF Brokers, Security Exchanges, Market Makers, Spot FX Brokers and EMIs, with the job of matching an incoming market order of the user with the existing limit order of another user. The engine works 24/7 in parallel with the round-the-clock rhythm of the crypto markets without any breaks. For further information, please email [email protected].