B2BROKER News Roundup
Corporate News

In the first of our new weekly news bulletins, we share with you a selection of B2BROKER news highlights, including product updates and events. Catch up with all the very latest company goings-on here…
Number of new employees this week: 1
Articles posted
This week, we have posted the following articles designed for information and education purposes:
How to Build Cryptocurrency Exchange: Useful Tips
How to Get a License for a Crypto Exchange?
We have also added a further 3 videos to our Youtube channel to promote our products and services, including the launch of a new Q&A video series:
Earlier this week, Pavel Prokhanov informed us that he had completed work on a new and very useful page – Documentation (Located in the section “Useful links”). On this page you can find all the technical information on such products as: B2BinPay, B2Trader, B2Core, B2CORE IB, B2CONNECT and B2Margin.
The biggest release since the opening of the new site with 7 new languages available for general access!
Also, we are due to announce another 2 pages: Partnership and B2CONNECT. More news next week…
We are pleased to have scooped two prestigious awards for Best Crypto CFD Liquidity Provider and Best Payment Solutions Provider for B2BINPAY. The awards are a fantastic outcome for us and a reflection of the hard work put into all our product releases over the years.